Monday, June 2, 2008


Convergence for me, as probably designed by the course, happened with the final project. We discussed in class the notion of nodes and relatoinships. Solutions can be formed with techology and organization changes. The final project template simpilies it to the following steps....

Overview (process of KM)
Problem ==> Root Cause ==> Solution ==> Rationale ==> Metrics

Appendices (supporting the "Overview")
Appendix A (Root Cause [Fishbone]) ==> Checklist for ID'ing (cause) ==> Solutions ( Technology => Organizational Components => Organizational Culture)

This really summarizes the course nicely and for my "problem," this helps to summarize and draw together the ideas of the course. As the Guinness Beer commercials phrases, "Genius !!!".

Without this project and ultimately the template, everything would not have tied together nicely (for me). Honestly, in the classes we discuss all these separately, but they all hit me in the "convergence" of the final document. Really any problem can be solved with the use of nodes and relationships. The root cause of any problem needs to be found before the solution can be sought. Templates and best practices will re-enforce this learning.

In my opinion, if there was one thing to take away from this class, it would be the notion of "notions and relationships" .

The second thing would be the difference between knowledge and information. One would think this should be self-evident, but when you really think about it, the difference it the reason for KM.

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