Sunday, April 13, 2008

Truth or Knowledge???? I'll take the Truth

In week 2 of class, the question was raised, "Which would you rather have, truth or knowledge?" Tough question, to me it depends on the definition. I'll have to say that I'm not entirely clear, so let me talk through this question starting with definitions.

Merriam-Webster defines knowledge as....
"the fact or condition of knowing something with familiarity gained through experience or association"

and truth as....
"a judgment, proposition, or idea that is true or accepted as true"

I believe that knowledge is knowing something regardless of it is true or not. For example, I do not have a dog. Knowledge would be that I might have a dog, but truth would say I do not.

Therefore, I would rather have truth than knowledge. With so much unreliable information available today, knowing what is true versus everything available is vastly different. I really only want to know what is true.

Knowledge of everything is helpful, but knowing the truth is relevant.

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